Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Be well Natural Herbs

Yarrow is one the world's oldest medicinal plants and has been used since very ancient times.  Yarrow is one of  the plants I recommend most, as it is uniquely gifted in helping just about anything and everything that could ail one in mind, body and soul. Yarrrow and like a most beloved friend the amount of protection, love, and gifts that Yarrow has for us is immense and steadfast. As a herb of Venus, Yarrow dances on the land with beautiful white tufts of tiny white to pink daisy like flowers atop a woody stem, lined with many delicate and lovely leaves resembling feathery lace. Yarrow bears the  Latin name millefolium, meaning a thousand leaves, also Named for the great hero Achilles.  Yarrow also goes by folk names such as Milfoil, Soldier's Woundwort, Knight's Milfoil, Thousand Weed, Nose Bleed, Carpenter's Weed, and Staunchweed. Releasing a beautiful aroma, Yarrow is an aromatic and hardy perennial plant that can be found in the Central and Eastern US flourishing in the countryside,  in meadows and pastures, as well as the edges of highways, in cities, disturbed soils, as well as many other places in need of healing and balance. In fact, Yarrow, can be found all over the globe. 

One of the most fascinating things about Yarrow is that  it has been made use of for a very long time by humans. In fact, Yarrow was found amongst other medicinal herbs in a Neanderthal burial site in Iraq, which dates from around 60,000 BC .

Given this long historical use, which also includes traditional use in Ayurveda, Chinese Medicine and Native American Medicine, there is much folklore associated with this wonderful herb. 

"Yarrow is one of the finest and most versatile healing plants, and respected as such since at least the time of the Ancient Greeks and Egyptians. Dioscorides, the Greek physician, writing in the 1st century AD referred to the healing properties of yarrow for battle wounds."Yarrow is an extremely valuable medicinal herb, and is antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent, carminative, anti inflammatory, an excellent diaphoretic, vasodilator, febrifuge, haemostatic, diuretic, alterative, digestive, tonic, bitter tonic, hepatic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antihistamine, analgesic, expectorant, an emmenagogue, antiviral, stimulant, tonic, a vasodilator, and vulnerary wound healer.  In fact, yarrow can assist with almost every system in the body, and is used for so many different ailments, including colds and flu, cramps, fevers, digestive complaints & disorders, nose bleeds -- any hemorrhaging for that matter -- for skin irritations and infections, to regulate the menses, to stimulate the flow of bile due to its bitterness, and is an excellent blood purifier .

When it comes to wound healing, yarrow has a long-standing and famous history of being used to cleanse wounds and help control the bleeding of lacerations, puncture wounds, and abrasions . Containing anti-inflammatory and antiseptic oils, as well as astringent tannins and resins, yarrow possesses excellent wound healing gifts. and also contains silica, which will help in repairing damaged tissue.

When used internally, yarrow’s bitterness increases digestion as well as the absorption of nutrients by the body. The astringent gifts of yarrow makes her very useful in stopping diarrhea. In addition, it's antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties help to heal infections and swollen organs, like in cases of food poisoning, gastritis, and enteritis. The bitter properties of yarrow  invigorate  the liver and help it release bile while the  antispasmodic gifts (an agent that relieves spasms or cramps) help in relieving cramps arising out of tensions, wind, colic, or nervous digestion.

Yarrow is also beneficial in removing heat and toxins from the system through increased perspiration. A family favorite in my home for colds and flu is called gypsy cold care, which makes use of yarrow’s many gifts, particularly those diaphoretic actions, to help move toxins out of the body via sweating, which helps the body to break fevers while the antiviral and antibacterial actions support systemic recovery. The herb is also an efficient diuretic, promoting urine production and flow, and helps let out excessive fluids and toxins through enhanced urination. In addition, the herb is useful in soothing painful joints, and also clears acne prone skin.  Yarrow contains sterols, which have actions similar to hormones, and aid in balancing the menstrual cycle. Yarrow has an affinity for healing conditions of the blood and circulation. Thus, yarrow is an extremely beneficial remedy for women and what I would consider a woman’s herb for sure. 
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